Brushing Boots

Measure the circumference of your horse's legs, both front and hind legs. Below size chart will guide you to the right size for each leg. Please be aware that each horse is different and our chart is to be used as a guide only.

PONY: both front and hind legs (S)

COB: both front and hind legs (M)

160-170: front legs (M), hind legs (L)

Above 170: both front and hind legs (L)

Size A B C
XL 32 cm 12.5" 36 cm 14" 32 cm 12.5"
L 30 cm 12" 33.5 cm 13" 28 cm 11"
M 27 cm 10.5" 29 cm 11.5" 26 cm 10"
S 26 cm 10" 27 cm 10.5" 24 cm 9.5"