There was something missing, something between the put-together look of classic breeches and the trendy new fit of soft tights. Why should equestrians have to choose between the two? The design team embarked on a mission to bridge the gap and create the ideal breeches: maximal comfort with an elegant appearance.
Soft and Supportive
It wasn’t a short list of required features that needed fulfillment before introducing these new breeches to the world of horse lovers. The fabric had to be soft and flexible yet provide support. The design should offer an elegant look, while the waistband had to be super comfortable for equestrians to move around during stable chores, tack up, mount, and ride without discomfort. Sample after sample didn’t pass the test with our dedicated riders who tried them out over extended periods in various climates around the world.

Two of Equestrian Stockholm’s most awarded team riders, Olympian showjumper Edwina Tops-Alexander and Olympian dressage rider Therese Nilshagen, were invested in the development and saw potential in the future product. They loved the elegant look with belt loopholes and added seams imitating traditional breeches, along with the idea of soft, body-hugging support. Both requested the Compression Breeches to be made in white for competition.

Olympic show jumper Edwina Tops-Alexander
The Perfect White Fabric
With another item on the must-have list, the hunt intensified. With white pants, there’s always the risk of them being see-through, and the last thing you should worry about when giving the performance of your life is whether you’ll look professional or not. They might also undergo more machine washing than other breeches, so durability could not be overlooked.
Finally, they found something promising. Could this be the perfect white fabric? After a whole year of testing in stables and arenas later, it was confirmed. The white Supreme Compression Breeches, with an elegant look and comfortable fit perfect for competition, saw the light of day.