Felicitas Hendricks


Felicitas Hendricks

Felicitas Hendricks has had one of her best years this year in terms of results. This year Felicitas won the Nations Cup in Wellington with the German team and a few weeks later she secured second place in the Grand Prix Special CDI5* in Wellington. At the European Championships, she not only won individual gold, but also secured another gold medal with the German team. She is incredibly grateful for all the successes she has had with her horse “Drombusch”, but she says the greatest success of all is having a happy horse by her side who has worked so hard for her and with her.

Felicitas grew up in Düsseldorf and lived there until she was 13 years old. She then moved to Hagen in Germany, where her uncle and trainer Christoph Koschel lives, because she wanted to get more involved with horses and riding.

She had her first contact with horses as a small child at a local riding school. When she was ten years old, she fell in love with a pony who lived in an animal shelter that her parents' friends ran at the time. Felicita's parents were able to buy her this pony, and since then she can no longer imagine life without horses. Competing wasn't always her goal, she started riding because she fell in love with horses, not because she wanted to compete. When she moved to Hagen, she had countless great tournaments around the corner, for example Horses & Dreams at Hof Kasselmann. This is how she fell in love with tournament sports. She has always been fascinated by the harmony between horse and rider during the most difficult exercises in dressage tests.

Photo: Lily Forado

She didn't want to miss these incredible experiences and successes with her horse Drombusch. Your goal is to keep him as fit as he is now so that he can continue to shine on the big tournament circuit. Her goal for the future is to start her own business in the horse world and continue working with these incredible animals.

Felicita's tip for anyone who wants to be successful in this sport is to focus on yourself, your horse and the team around you. It's great to be inspired by other riders, but at the end of the day everyone has to find their own way. Every single horse is so unique, try to listen to your horse and his needs. Communication is key.

“Equestrian Stockholm products make me feel very comfortable in my own skin. They are of the highest quality and very stylish. I love wearing matching outfits with my horses. ES has a great vision for the future and represents great values, which is why I am very proud to represent ES.”
— Felicitas Hendricks