Sissela Smith, who grew up in Sala in southern Sweden, explored several different disciplines within equestrian sports during her upbringing but quickly realized that jumping was the discipline she found most enjoyable. Sissela identifies her primary strengths as a rider as her ability to adapt to different horses and their individual needs. Her icy nerves on the race track are also a significant strength.
Sissela's advice for those who want to be successful in equestrian sports is to work in a stable with a professional rider who can share his knowledge, as well as spend many hours in the saddle. Two people that Sissela looks up to in equestrian sports are Beezie Madden and Rolf Göran Bengtsson.
Sissela's fondest horse memory is the SM gold in 2020 together with her horse "Casemiro", which she trained herself in the classes.