Anna-Christina Abbelen

Team rider

Anna-Christina Abbelen

Anna-Christina Abbelen is a talented dressage rider from Germany. She is an eight-time European champion in the U21 class and a two-time German champion. She also competed in Aachen with her former horse Henny Hennessy and recently won the Nations Cup series with the German team on her top horse Sam Donnerhall.

Anna grew up in a small town near Düsseldorf, Germany. Her mother has always ridden and took Anna to the stables when she was a baby. Anna developed an allergy to horses, which caused her mother to give up riding. After medical treatment when Anna was four or five years old, her condition improved and her mother was able to put her back in the stable with the help of medication. Since then, Anna has been passionate about horses. Her interest in riding as a sport and not just a hobby began when she was 12 years old. She began competing with ponies in larger tournaments and fell in love with the sport.

Three years ago Anna became a professional and earns her living from riding. Her goal is to continue to improve as a rider and to bring her young mare Jida Selly to Grand Prix level. The path to becoming a successful rider is demanding; Anna emphasizes the importance of never giving up and always listening to the horse's feelings.

“The best thing about working with Equestrian Stockholm is having such a supportive team that encourages me along the way and continually develops high quality products.”
— Anna-Christina Abbelen