Lernen sie unsere teamreiter kennen

Edwina Tops-Alexander

Edwina Tops-Alexander

Edwina Tops-Alexander ist mehr als nur eine Ikone des Pferdesports aus Australien. Sie ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie frühe Leidenschaften monumentale Karrieren formen können. Sie wuchs in Sydney auf und verbrachte ihre Wochenenden auf einer Farm, wo sie eine Verbindung zu Pferden aufbaute, die sie später zu weltweitem Ruhm im Springreiten führen sollte.
Therese Nilshagen

Therese Nilshagen

Zu Thereses bisher größten Erfolgen zählen ein vierter Platz im Einzelturnier und zwei Bronzemedaillen mit dem schwedischen Team bei den Europameisterschaften, eine Finalteilnahme im Einzelturnier bei den Weltmeisterschaften und den Olympischen Spielen sowie mehrere Siege auf 5*-Ebene.
Matt Harnacke

Matt Harnacke

Matt Harnacke ist einer der bekanntesten Reitsport Influencer der Welt, ein erfolgreiches Model und ein professioneller Dressurreiter. Matt wurde in Italien geboren und zog im Alter von zehn Jahren nach Australien, wo er zehn Jahre lang lebte. Dann beschloss er, noch einmal umzuziehen, diesmal in die Niederlande, wo er heute lebt.
Nicolette Hirt

Nicolette Hirt

Nicolette is an experienced international showjumper from the U.S. Some of her greatest achievements include being in the top three during the U25 final in Salzburg and in the top ten in her first 5* Grand Prix with her horse Chatou. This was very special for Nicolette because she and Chatou did all their first biggest classes together.
Christian Simonson

Christian Simonson

Christian is a U25 dressage rider, a four-time NAYC (North American Youth Championships) Gold Medalist and two-time Silver Medalist from United States. Christian is ranked number one in the CDIO1* world ranking with his horse Sonny and his horse Zeaball is ranked number two in the CDIO1* horse ranking.
Rebecca Cohen

Rebecca Cohen

Rebecca is an American dressage rider from Wellington, Florida, who has been riding for almost her entire life. She earned silver and bronze medals at the North American championships during her Junior/Young Rider years from 2011 to 2013. In 2018 she started training with Jan Brink in Sweden after her time at university, and since then, she has competed internationally and achieved several top finishes in the Small Tour.

Photo: Lauren Pitylak

Suraya Hendrikx

Suraya Hendrikx

Suraya is a U25 dressage rider that grew up and lives in Belgium where she and her family have the Equestrian Center Hendrikx. She already has seven medals from the Belgian Championships and has competed in seven European Championships.
Carolina Villanueva

Carolina Villanueva

Carolina is an experienced international showjumper from Spain. She had a very successful 2023, during which, at the age of 21, she represented Spain in her first Senior Nations Cup, competed in her first CSIO4* and 160 cm Grand Prix—something she has always dreamt of. Her biggest achievements so far also include winning a gold medal with the Spanish Young Riders Team in the 2021 Nations Cup in Gorla Minore and being ranked number one in the women's Spanish ranking in 2022.
Felicitas Hendricks

Felicitas Hendricks

Felicitas Hendricks hat in diesem Jahr eines ihrer besten Jahre hinter sich, was die Ergebnisse angeht. In diesem Jahr gewann Felicitas mit der deutschen Mannschaft den Nationenpreis in Wellington und ein paar Wochen später sicherte sie sich einen zweiten Platz im Grand Prix Special CDI5* in Wellington. Bei den Europameisterschaften gewann sie nicht nur Einzelgold, sondern sicherte sich auch eine weitere Goldmedaille mit der deutschen Mannschaft. Sie ist unglaublich dankbar für all die Erfolge, die sie mit ihrem Pferd “Drombusch” hatte, aber sie sagt, der größte Erfolg von allen ist, ein glückliches Pferd an ihrer Seite zu haben, das so viel für sie und mit ihr gearbeitet hat.
Anna-Christina Abbelen

Anna-Christina Abbelen

Anna-Christina Abbelen ist eine talentierte Dressurreiterin aus Deutschland. Sie ist achtmalige Europameisterin in der Klasse U21 und zweimalige Deutsche Meisterin. Außerdem trat sie in Aachen mit ihrem ehemaligen Pferd Henny Hennessy an und gewann kürzlich die Nations Cup Serie mit der deutschen Mannschaft auf ihrem Spitzenpferd Sam Donnerhall.
Julia Bouthoorn

Julia Bouthoorn

Julia has competed in many national and international competitions, but her biggest and most memorable achievement in dressage to date is the bronze medal in the U25 team of the 2022 European Championships with her horse Choice Finch. Funnily enough, her horse was previously a show jumper just a few years ago.
Robin Heiden

Robin Heiden

Robin grew up in the Netherlands, in the same place where she still lives. Her parents have had horses all her life and she started riding when she was nine years old. Before she started riding, she spent whole days playing with the horses, but she didn't dare to ride them.

Photo: Equigeniek

Jessica Poelman

Jessica Poelman

Jessica has already achieved great success in her first year as a U25 rider and is ranked fifth in the FEI Dressage World Youth Ranking (U25). She has competed in the European Championships with her horse Chocolate Cookie in Hagen and they became two-time individual bronze medalists. They also received the silver medal with the team. She has also participated in many international shows, such as the Lövsta Future Challenge in Vilhelmsborg and the Gothenburg Horse Show.
Marina Mattson

Marina Mattson

Marina is an experienced Swedish dressage rider with an impressive track record, which includes many medals from Swedish Championships, Nordic-Baltic Championships and European Championships. She has also taken home the victory in the U25 category in the Global Champions Tour.
Linnea Holmgren

Linnea Holmgren

Linnea is a 22-year-old rider from Sweden and has several impressive credentials from prestigious competitions, including SM, NM, EC and Young Horse WC. Last year, in 2023, she took home two top places during the Breeders Trophy Stockholm together with two of her promising young horses.
Sissela Smith

Sissela Smith

Sissela is a very experienced show jumper from Sweden and has many merits, including several medals from the SM. One of Sissela's fondest horse memories is the SM gold in 2020 together with her horse "Casemiro", which she trained herself in the classes.
Stella Röhlcke

Stella Röhlcke

Stella is an international show jumper from Sweden who competes up to 155* classes and has many merits. In 2023, she took home the gold medal in the senior SC.

Photo: Equus Media

Matilda Pettersson

Matilda Pettersson

Matilda Pettersson is an international show jumper from Sweden and competes up to 160 cm classes. Her main achievements include multiple 150cm classes as well as winning the Gina Tricot Grand Prix.

Photo: Pernilla Hägg - www.pernillahagg.se

Viktor Edvinsson

Viktor Edvinsson

Viktor is a Swedish show jumper with 5* international placements from, among others, the Gothenburg Horse Show. He also has many successes with his young horses and has won Breeders, Falsterbo, Elmia and championships in various age categories.

Photo: Göteborg Horse Show